t: 0141 375 1250
e: info@bowmont-capital.com

The Bowmont team has a wide range of experience in property transactions and investment management. Our experience includes investment, development, funding and investment management in the following areas:

Commercial Property

We have experience of investment in all sectors throughout the UK regional market, having acted as both fund managers and advisers in a broad range of transactions up to £50m. We can assist with all aspects of commercial property investments, including initial appraisals, fundraising and banking negotiations, investment management, financial management and disposals.

Residential Property

Involvement in a large number of residential developments and investments, ranging from one or two houses up to large scale housing developments. We are currently working on a number of investment opportunities in the residential sector.

Business Premises Renovation Allowances (BPRA)

Business Premises Renovation Allowance (BPRA) syndicates can provide individuals and corporate entities with the means to mitigate or substantially reduce their current year income tax liability through investment in the renovation and conversion of a business premises in a disadvantaged area. We have worked closely on BPRA qualifying projects including hotels, self storage, data centre and office developments.